
Lebendwell Sokoto Fillet / Camping Knife - 6.5 inch - Green

Lebendwell Sokoto Fillet | Camping Knife | King of Knives
The Lebendwell Sokoto Fillet knives are made using 3CR13 stainless steel and then coated in black non-stick surface

The handles are made from plastic called PP and TPR

Designed for use as an outdoor fishing knife. It must be noted that all knives wil rust if they are wet and not dried properly. In addition, Salt water is extremely corrosive so if used around salt water, your knives must be washed in fresh water after use and then properly dried.
$14.95 $59.95
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Shipping Details
Code :  LB39 MFR :  LB39
Usually ships in:  Available online and select stores