F Dick Superior

F.DICK Superior Kitchen Knife 18 cm

F.DICK Superior Kitchen Knife 18 cm

F.Dick Superior Kitchen Knife, 18cm

The SUPERIOR-series has been designed for professional users. The combination of its classic, timeless design and the light riveted handle make this cutting tool a knife that meets high quality demands.

Stamped, rather than forged, the Superior series is perfect for a cook at home or in the industry that wants a quality knife at an affordable price.

* Blade: High Carbon, Stainless, 55 HRC
* Contruction : 3/4 Tang
* Handle : Food Grade Plastic, Triple Riveted
* Made in Germany
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Shipping Details
Code :  f-dick-superior21 MFR  84080-18
Usually ships in:  Approx 10 working days.